
May 1, 2011 0 Comments

News: May 2011 Groupon - could it benefit your business? For those of you who are unfamiliar with

May 1, 2011 0 Comments

News: May 2011 CGT entrepreneurs' relief This is available for qualifying business disposals and gets ever more attractive.

May 1, 2011 0 Comments

News: May 2011 Windows 8 - already? According to Microsoft, more than 7 copies of Windows 7 have

April 1, 2011 0 Comments

News: April 2011 Business resource checks Further aspects have emerged about this new initiative. It looks like any

April 1, 2011 0 Comments

News: April 2011 The office of tax simplification They have published their interim report on simplifying the tax

April 1, 2011 0 Comments

News: April 2011 Update your business plan Most businesses create a business plan at the start of each

April 1, 2011 0 Comments

News: April 2011 New disclosure opportunity Any taxpayers who have some undeclared income should take a serious look

April 1, 2011 0 Comments

News: April 2011 Get your marketing message right No matter what type of industry you operate in, you

April 1, 2011 0 Comments

News: April 2011 Advisory fuel rates for company cars Published guidelines are issued by HMRC. The stated aim

April 1, 2011 0 Comments

News: April 2011 Tips for effective presentations Making an effective presentation is an art in itself. Communication is